Very welcome news!
It’s almost a year to the day since I received the news: ‘you have prostate cancer, and we haven’t caught it early…’ Those words quickly became engraved in my mind as I grappled with the implications. Nothing quite prepares you for this and I remember crying out to God ‘I’m not sure I can do this!’
Just three days later we were off on a week’s planned holiday, all the while wrestling with the implications. I took to disappearing off on my own to a quiet spot by the sea early each morning to call out to God and align my mind through worship with the help of my Ipod. This was to become a vital pattern throughout the year, arresting potentially wayward and fearful thoughts by getting myself into God’s presence first! What a difference that makes! I began to realise how careless we can be, entertaining unhelpful thoughts and fears for far too long to our great detriment.
Within a few days of getting that news, a little card belonging to my grandfather who died over 50 years ago, literally fell into my lap. On it were 2 verses: Phil 4:8 Whatever things are true – honorable – just – pure – lovely – of good report – any virtue – any praise, think about these things. (bold his), and 2Cor 10:4 Bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. That card now lives in my Bible as a constant reminder of God’s timely word to me., along with many other wonderfully encouraging words and promises that began to leap out at me.
Next it was hormone treatment and the possibility of radiotherapy; I say possibility because there was some concern that the cancer had spread too far. As it happened, the oncologist decided to go for it, informing me that there was a 30% chance of success. So began 8 weeks of treatment – with the wonderful diversion of Ali & Dan’s wedding right in the middle!
So to the present. On Friday Angie & I went back to see the oncologist to review my progress. It was not an easy drive to the hospital, and you may be able to imagine my response when he said: ‘The cancer is in remission, it is undetectable…!!’ I reminded him of the 30% chance he’d given me and he replied ‘Your results are as good as it gets!’ It was wonderful and quite overwhelming to hear those words! How I’d longed and prayed to hear that, and now here it was happening!
I think I am a different guy as a result of these last 12 months. I am grateful to God for each day, for Angie and every blessing that my heavenly Father gives. And I am more aware of the things that really matter. The early morning will always be God’s, a time when special help can be found, and I will not entertain fearful thoughts. Psalm 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears.
Above all, I have found Jesus to be a wonderful Saviour, a secure refuge and a gracious healer and have discovered more of what it means to abide, dwell and live in Him. And I am grateful, very grateful!
Thank you Lord for your great kindness to me!
(You can now follow Goff on Twitter)