Monday 21 April 2008

The rain in Spain...

Yes, it rained, and quite heavily! Angie & I were visiting Paul & Suzanna Godfrey who moved out to Valencia with their family last December, along with a small team, to plant a church. It’s not a small thing to make this kind of move, especially with young children, and I really commend Paul & Suzanna – they’re stars!

We really enjoyed being with them & their delightful family as we explored together, with Tony Thompson, the beginnings of the church. There’s the possibility of connecting with an existing church there with whom they have been building relationship – more on that later. Meanwhile, if you have a burden for Spain, or maybe you’re studying Spanish, this is the place for you! Email me and I’ll put you in touch! And pray for Paul & Suzanna and the team there as they get acclimatised to living in Spain and work hard at their Spanish….


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