Sunday, 14 December 2008

Salt, light and the Kingdom of God

As I watch and read news reports of the awful situation in Zimbabwe, I feel deeply moved and quite overwhelmed. I can barely imagine what it must be like to live in those conditions. Contaminated water, nothing to eat, cholera rampant…. decay everywhere. You would have to be quite a hard-hearted individual not to be moved with compassion, so it was not a difficult decision to give away a part of our recent Gift Day offering to the Newfrontiers Appeal.
When I read that there is a desperate need for purification chemicals to restore Harare’s water supply, it made me think of how the church is called to be salt & light in society. Salt speaks of stopping decay, and light speaks of dispelling darkness. If you follow the analogy through, it must mean that right now the church in Zimbabwe has a vital role to play. Of course, the aid agencies will also play a vital role – if allowed – but let’s also be praying for the churches, some of whom we know as friends, that they will be able to demonstrate God’s grace in a desperate situation.

Of course it’s not just in Zimbabwe that the church needs to be salt & light. In our nation, and all over the world, there are signs of sickness in society. We too have a vital role to play as God’s instrument in the world. Michael Eaton puts it like this: 'The kingdom – the royal activity of God – uses the church as it’s channel of influence out into the world… The life of God becomes visible in us.'

And as you feel prompted to give, remember that generosity lies at the heart of the Gospel. The apostle Paul urged the Christians in Corinth, and us, to excel in this grace of giving (2 Cor 8). And here’s the thing – although we want to give purely out of a desire to bless others, we find that in giving, we become the richer, though not necessarily in monetary terms. The Message translates the words of Jesus quoted in Acts, rather well: ‘You'll not likely go wrong here if you keep remembering that our Master said, 'You're far happier giving than getting.'" Acts 20v35.

So, with the festivities of Christmas a week or so away, please pray for Zimbabwe as you practice generosity!

I shall be visiting the new Newfrontiers church in Valencia this week – more salt, more light! Have a good week.
