Tuesday 10 March 2009

Keep it simple s----d!!

The other week I went to hear Tim Keller speak at Westminster Chapel. I’ve mentioned Tim Keller before in my Blog, but if you’ve not come across him before, you can check him out at www.Redeemer.com.
Now there are a lot of things that impress me about TK but one illustration that he used keeps coming back to me. He was speaking about our repeated need to let the truth of the Gospel sink in – for the penny (or dime) to drop – and he gave the illustration of a Coke vending machine in the lobby of the apartment block where he lives. In a matter-of-fact sort of way, whenever you put money in that machine, you have to bash it on the side in order that the money will drop down into the mechanism and deliver the goods. Similarly, he observed, we regularly need a bash on the side of the head in order for the truths of the Gospel to sink in and deliver the goods of Grace in our lives.

I was thinking of that illustration again Sunday morning when we were Breaking Bread in our morning meeting at Kings, and I could almost hear Jesus saying “Do this again, and again, and again, at every opportunity when you come together, so that you make sure that you keep on remembering me and what I have done and accomplished for you – and don’t stop till I come back again!!” I think I may also have felt something on the side of my head as well, but I’m not sure.

So my Blog this week is just a simple reminder to myself and maybe to you too, to daily give ourselves a prod, or maybe even a stiff talking to, so that our wayward minds don’t get the opportunity to take us down blind, dark alleys starved of the Grace of God and the joy of the Glorious Gospel of the happy God. After all, in these days there’s no shortage of bad news capable of doing that. Just don’t go there!
Have a really good week!
