News from Copenhagen

What a great weekend it’s been here in Copenhagen! Angie & I been here visiting the many friends that we have here at Copenhagen Community Church (CCC), spending time with the leaders and planning for the future.
Yesterday, Saturday we began talking together over brunch together - Angie & I with David, Finn Allen and Joy, reflecting on how far CCC has come since the last time we sat in the same place having brunch last September. (No, we don’t just eat brunch all the time on these visits!). Last September we still couldn’t find a new place for the church to meet, and we spent our time together exploring all possibilities and praying for a good place. Now, just 8 months later we not only have a great place in a central location, but it has also been extensively renovated and transformed into a brilliant place for church to gather and also a high quality conference centre to serve the business community. Check it out at And please PRAY that bookings will now start coming in so that it can be the blessing that God wants it to be.
(Special thanks to Jim Drew & Jon Mullender who have done an outstanding job with publicity, websites, and setting up the new building)
This morning (Sunday) the church met in the new building. Brilliant! What a place! What great people! What special friends they have become! What great worship – including some African dance! There were 11 nations present and it was so good to hear people praying out in their own languages. We prayed in groups for the nations (see pic), including Josef & Elin in Turkey . I read from Isaiah 43 about God’s hear to gather a people from north, south, east & west, from all the nations, and then I preached on “Church – the Family God is looking for”
It is such an honour for us at Kings to be connected and working together with CCC.
Pray for CCC and the wonderful opportunities that are opening up for them here in Copenhagen. Pray for growth, for influence, and that God will amazingly provide for them – especially financially – at this key time in their history.
You can check out their website at
Back to Norwich this evening and then a couple of days off!
(You can now follow Goff on Twitter)