Sunday, 25 July 2010

Keep It Simple S…!

I have to say that I am really enjoying having Evan (and Tracy!) Rogers here in Norwich. Evan’s approach to worship is so down to earth, real, and above all, simple. At a time when there seems to me to be a trend in Christian worship for songs to be increasingly complicated (unsingable?), I find it very refreshing to be singing songs celebrating the uniqueness of Jesus (There’s no one like Jesus), about Jesus being centre of my life (Jesus is number 1), and the fact that God reigns sovereignly over all things (Still on His throne) and so on. A few weeks ago I received an email from an older person at Kings saying how much he had enjoyed the enthusiastic Sunday morning worship, and how it had brought tears to his eyes to be encourage to let go a bit and not be so British (his words!). As Evan encouraged us to participate this morning with a few actions…(you needed to be there!), and as I looked on at ‘cool’ teenagers celebrating Jesus, it just reminded me how important it is for us not only to preserve our first love for Jesus, but also to beware of the sophistication and introspection that is rampant in our culture. Isn’t this what Jesus was getting at when he said to his disciples “Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it." Luke 18:17

I have been struck lately by some of the very simple descriptions that the Bible gives of what it means to be a Christian. ‘..called to belong to Jesus Christ’ Romans 1:6, ‘..called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ.’ 1Cor1:9. These are simple but profound words, profound because when lived out, the result is changed lives. Of course, we need to read our Bibles to discover more of who Jesus is, what pleases him, and so on, so that our relationship with him grows well, but at the centre, the driving force in our lives should always be a faith in Jesus Christ that is expressed and celebrated with child-like simplicity and enthusiasm. We should never get ‘too old’ for that!

Have a great week – a singing heart helps!


PS Evan's worship CDs are available through the King's Bookstall

Friday, 16 July 2010

Musings on the seashore..!

Sitting on a wall by the seashore 'early' in the morning' that is,
before 10, I found myself musing...

A year ago I sat in the same spot fighting off anxious thoughts &
calling out to God to heal me. Back then I was very aware that I had a
problem - a real problem - that I could not fix. No amount of positive
thinking or mind over matter could fix this. I needed help.

Have you noticed how Jesus used the healing of the paralysed man in
Luke 5 to demonstrate the point that he has the authority both to heal
us outwardly and inwardly? In fact it must have been a bit of a shock
for that sick guy to be told 'your sins are forgiven!' 'That's not my
problem!' he might have replied. But of course, Jesus wanted him - and
us - to know that the 'all clear' from the disease of sin is actually
of far greater significance and duration than the 'all clear' from
something as nasty as cancer.
To hear the 'all clear' from the latter is absolutely wonderful -
believe me - but I am coming to understand a little more, how awesome
it is to be declared righteous, to hear Jesus declaring me all clear
from the damning disease of sin.

Free indeed! Forever!
There really is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!
So enjoy it - I do!


Sent from my mobile device

Sunday, 4 July 2010

Don't be robbed!

This week it’s off to Brighton for the ‘Together on a Mission’ conference at Brighton. Last year I had to cancel the day before the conference, on ‘black Monday’ when the consultant first told me that I had a problem. So this year it will be particularly sweet to go with a light and grateful heart! In fact, it would be true to say that every day is pretty special to me as I reflect on the kindness and faithfulness of God to me, I guess that my perspective has changed somewhat and I am more aware of the things that really matter – and the things that don’t! And I won’t be robbed!

I wrote a blog a few weeks ago, anticipating what it would feel like getting the ‘all clear’ from cancer, and making a comparison with how we react to having the ‘all clear’ from the terminal disease of our sin. Well let me tell you that the former is fantastic! That day, that conversation, that moment will stay with me all my days. Awesome! Thinking of what could have been… how different the next few years could have been, I am blessed & grateful.
And I have to say that going through this last year has made me even more aware and grateful to God for the gift of new life in Christ… and how different my eternal destiny has now become! The awesome truth that the disease of my sin – every last spot of it – has been dealt with, removed from me and placed on Christ, with the result I now live in newness of life, eternal life, and all because of what Jesus has done for me on the cross! I’m truly alive! That’s the best news a human being can ever hear – and it surely must make a radical, joy-effusing difference to every day, otherwise we are being robbed.

So, if you are a Christian, if you have put your faith in Christ as your Saviour, then for heaven’s sake, live in the good of it – every day! Otherwise you are belittling the most valuable gift on the planet.

Have a great week!

(you can now follow Goff on Twitter)