Sunday 17 October 2010

Who need's help?

I guess lots of people are blogging about the Chilean miners this weekend. As well as being a good news story (and there’s not enough of those around) it’s also a very powerful illustration of being rescued out of a very dark, life-threatening place, and being brought out into the light. And that’s the Gospel! That’s what Jesus does!
The parallels are close; Jesus, God in human flesh, came down into our murky world in order to identify himself with us, take our predicament upon himself, rescue us from a situation where we were powerless to save ourselves, and lift us up, giving us a new start with a bright and lasting future!

Perhaps the most difficult thing for us human beings to admit is that we can’t save ourselves or that we need help at all. You could say that this a reflex built in from birth: “I want to do it!.... Let me do it!” - heard that before? In fact, the doorway to the whole ‘Christian’ deal lies right here. The access to authentic Christianity is paved with the words “Jesus, I need you in my life!” One writer put it like this: ‘The first sign of spiritual life is the realisation that you are spiritually dead.’ Think about it! And we never move on from that place, in fact, if you are a Christian and you feel that you’re doing just fine & don’t really need to pray too much or often, then it’s probably a sign of spiritual decline.

I knew a guy who worked the following routine into his thinking: If at the beginning of the day he found he was convincing himself that didn’t need to get time alone with God to pray etc, or that he didn’t really have time, then he’d say to himself “So you don’t need God today then?” That usually got him thinking straight - and praying!!

So here’s two health checks: If you feel little or no dependence on God, then you are probably in a dangerous place. If however, you are only too aware of your need for sustaining help, then fear not! Just ask! That’s what the apostle Paul meant when he said ‘when I am weak, then I am strong’ 2Cor12:10

Keith Hazell reminded us this morning of the pleasure of hearing God’s voice...... and the importance of taking time to listen!

(You can now follow Goff on Twitter)