Sunday 16 August 2009

Winning the Test...

Confidence plays an important part of any sports person’s success.

Dial that up with a bit of healthy aggression and competitive determination and you have a winning formula. I don’t normally use illustrations from the world of cricket as I know little about it but I did feel God prod me this week about the way we pray and handle the deliveries that our adversary hurls at us, and lessons to be learned from cricket

I think I read somewhere the English middle batting order pretty much caved in and collapsed in the last innings. I guess that once a batsman’s head goes down and he becomes intimidated by what is coming his way and uncertain what to do with it, then his performance is unlikely to be great and victory is going to be most unlikely.

Same for the Christian with the challenges and assaults that our adversary hurls at us – if we stand there overwhelmed and passive then we won’t make the progress that our heavenly father intends for us.

Here’s my point: I believe with all my heart that God wants His people, whom He has redeemed, to stand with greater confidence, and in prayer boldly face those things that come against us. I believe that Jesus teaches us to pray strongly, and to decisively deal with those missiles, dispatching them aggressively to the boundary and beyond. We have been given the right through what Jesus has accomplished for us on the Cross and we are invited to pray big prayers!
